Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Palmolive Fresh Sponge

We had so much fun trying out the Palmolive Fresh Sponge!  My step-son has never done dishes before and he was actually a willing participant.  I don't think it will last though...teenage boys...what can you do!!!

When I filmed this video I was standing about two feet away from Salvy and the first thing I noticed about the soap was that I was engulfed in the sweet scent of berries and citrus.  I really do not like floral soaps and this was so nice.  After the video, my husband told me he could smell it and he was sitting at the kitchen table.

When Salvy put a little in the sponge, it got sudsy right away and he was able to clean off the cutting board that I just used to cut up a pineapple and my smelly coffee cup from the morning.  I noticed that when he was rinsing the sponge, he really didn't get it all out which is a good sign of its lasting soapiness. 

He even said the sponge smelled nice.  (I had used the sponge and soap a couple times prior to this to see if it still smelled nice when he used it but I didn't tell him that)

I had always been a Dawn user but this soap was actually better than the Dawn I had been using and the scent was a refreshing change.  I will continue to use it!!

Palmolive Fresh Sponge

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